Wednesday 27 June 2012

I Blue Myself

Quickie sketch with a splash of blue hi-liter. I might decide to have Katy Perry hair one day... It might not look awful. We'll see.

I am Wonder Woman hear me roar.

This seems to be a major fan favourite. She gets lots of Instagram love. Watercolours and ink with a dash of love.


A quickie painting with watercolours of my friend/manager from work. She loves the earth, so I gave her a very green and happy picture.

Painting + Filter

My painting with a neat-o filter. Taken with my iPhone.

Saturday 16 June 2012

FanExpo Draws Near....

Making some serious FanExpo art progress. Poison Ivy is done in coloured pencil, Spidey/MJ is done in watercolors and some black ink outlining.

My Cousin is Adorable

My aunt hired me to do a painting of my cousin in her Halloween costume. Not sure what she's supposed to be but I think she looks so damn cute. Done in watercolours and pastels.

Barbershop Man

Done for a barbershop man. Done in pastels and coloured pencil.

Diner Project

Done in colored pencil for a couple who opened up their own retro diner.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Hey everyone!

Today I am working on a diner project. It's a caricature of two fresh owners of a local diner doing the jitterbug and I'm hoping to keep this one very fun and very full of energy! Lots of colour and personality so they can proudly display it in their restaurant. The same person who hired me to do this caricature hired me to do one of a friend who just opened up his own barber shop. Pictures will be up later today, just need to get to my own computer. Stay tuned, because I am very proud of these so far! Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I've been up to my earlobes in crap! I'll try to make this a weekly thing, and if I can post more I will! I love you guys and thank you for checking me out! <3 Ape

Monday 23 April 2012

My House is Complete!

So, here it is! It sort of looks like it was taken right out of a box to play with on Christmas morning! Hope you enjoy my Seuss-ish play house. <3 Sorry the camera move is so quick! My teacher wanted it to be 2 seconds long... :S

Friday 20 April 2012

Construction Site

This is is house I've been modeling for school. All designed, modeled and textured by me. It's a work in progress, I still need to finish a lot but I decided to post what I have so far. I hope you like it!


School is done in a week and after that, this blog will be updated all the time! The end is near, I promise. I am looking forward to posting art I will be doing for Fan Expo in Toronto this August (my brother and I have a booth this year in artist alley and I couldn't be more excited!) also just updates with art for my portfolio. I want to really attack my demo reel and portfolio and out it out there.... put it everywhere!!! I have a lot of drawings in sketchbooks that just need scanning. So there WILL be updates, I just need a day to scan and post.

Thank you guys for sticking around and checking this out when there's stuff to look at! <3

xoxo April

Monday 6 February 2012

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Pin-up Time

I have a saucy friend from work and she's totally the pin-up glamorous type. She's pretty cool like that and I hope she likes this. lololololol!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

That princess from earlier...

Hello everyone! It's about that time to finish what I start! This was done in Photoshop using a Cintiq tablet. (From school, I'm not THAT lucky!)

Saturday 14 January 2012

3DS much?

Hello Everyone!

Just wondering if there's anyone out there with a 3DS and if you'd like to add me to your freinds list? My code is 3866-8060-8480.

Friday 13 January 2012

Roller Derby Commission Piece

This is the first drawing of a commission for a friend. Soon this will be coloured and vectorized and gorgeous. The requirements were, zombies, stars, crest, skulls, GO! This is what happened. There will be some tweaks to this design, but this is the overall look.