Tuesday 24 January 2012

Pin-up Time

I have a saucy friend from work and she's totally the pin-up glamorous type. She's pretty cool like that and I hope she likes this. lololololol!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

That princess from earlier...

Hello everyone! It's about that time to finish what I start! This was done in Photoshop using a Cintiq tablet. (From school, I'm not THAT lucky!)

Saturday 14 January 2012

3DS much?

Hello Everyone!

Just wondering if there's anyone out there with a 3DS and if you'd like to add me to your freinds list? My code is 3866-8060-8480.

Friday 13 January 2012

Roller Derby Commission Piece

This is the first drawing of a commission for a friend. Soon this will be coloured and vectorized and gorgeous. The requirements were, zombies, stars, crest, skulls, GO! This is what happened. There will be some tweaks to this design, but this is the overall look.