Saturday 17 December 2011

Ahhh.... Christmas Break.

So my Christmas Holidays have just started. You all know what THAT means, don't you?! Yes. You're right. MUCH MORE art done by me, and posted up for you! This Christmas I am taking a very crafty approach to my gifts. Either the gifts I give will be made my me, or someone else. There are just some things that I cannot make, like fancy sewing or knitting projects. I look forward to posting the gifts I have made just after Christmas day! (I don't want to spoil anyones gift!) There will be some cute crafts and some paintings and drawings. I also will be getting ToonBoom so I will keep everyone posted about how my animations are coming along and hopefully you'll see some soon!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

A Quick Profile

Drew up something quick to put on my Facebook profile picture. It's just with Photoshop and my tablet.

Monday 12 December 2011

Sassy girl, all coloured up.

A while ago, I did this with ink. Now it's coloured in Photoshop and it looks pretty.

Saturday 10 December 2011

What's that? A space fairy? Okay.

This fairy has a sort of retro space suit thing going on. I've just accepted it. She's done in penil then coloured inks.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Princess Sassafrass

The cape, the crown and the 'tude make this quick sketch of Princess Sassafrass blog worthy. This one might be fun to finish. (That seems to be my catch phrase lately!) On a side note; looking forward to a very full Christmas break! Full of animation!

Kitties and Kitties the sequel.

I love watching how cute cats can be sometimes so these are some quick sketches of some examples of said cuteness.

Pokemon December!

It's Pokemon December! I drew this up for my friend, James. I'm not usually one for drawing in the anime style, but I can make an exception for Pokemon and Legend of Zelda. Maybe one day soon I will colour this. It could be fun.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Lydia Lydia Lydia!

Toon Link style Lydia from 2nd year in animation. She has this crazy squid hat that I couldn't leave out of this drawing. I think for a quick photoshop project, this turned out pretty well.

Demons in progress.

One of three demons are coloured! I'm going to keep going and post my progress! Let me know what you think of my themed character designs! :D

Feels like ages and ages...

It's only been a few days, but I feel like I am neglecting my blog! I am pretty sure I am slightly addicted to it. Seeing who is looking at it, making it look pretty and adding more and more and MORE! I am looking forward to sharing more with you later this evening! I drew some pretty cute characters the other day. Hopefully I can get something up soon!

Saturday 3 December 2011

It's Winter soon and this is how I feel about it.

I am so excited for Winter! Just thought I would do up something really quick in photoshop. It's a party with me and mister snowman!  


I deleted all my comments by accident. Sorry if yours was in there, I didn't mean to! :S

Coloured Link!

FINALLY! It's done. Drawn in my sketchbook then coloured in Photoshop.

Friday 2 December 2011

Link to the Future

Finishing that Link is going to take me longer than I thought. Right now I have all the solid colours on him and some background elements. I'd like to get him looking pretty awesome. I'm gonna keep at it and get back to you guys soon! Hopefully later today!

Thursday 1 December 2011

I need to finish this.

In my quest to draw men, I drew Link from Legend of Zelda. I gave him a bigger chin and sort of a laid back demeanor. He doesn't look as feminine as the Link from the games, I'll take him either way. :3 Anyways, I must finish this. It's too cute to leave in this stage!

Another vampire? Don't mind if I do.

This vampire is pretty sexy. If there was one thing I would change, it would be her hair. Maybe in future Photoshop adventures, I will change it.

One of these things is not like the others...

I like all of these girls, but the vampire is my most favourite. I like her pointy bangs and her kitty mouth. Also, making this blog has taught me a few things... I need to get better and I need to draw more things like animals and guys and maybe some landscapes. I've gotten far too comfortable with drawing women. (Not saying they're perfect or even NEAR perfect!) I could use some practice drawing things that I don't draw very often. New goal, draw something different!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Yeah, this dog was this happy in real life.

My boyfriend and I went to a party in the Summer, this dog was there. I HAD to draw it! Such a happy dog!

You'd swear too if you were the chosen one

Sorry for the language guys, but Harry is in a pretty serious situation and he's freaking out a little. This was also some experimenting with outlining in ink. Oh yeah, Hermione is there too. She's alright I guess.

Sneakity snake!

This is me, sneaking around a corner. I don't know what I'm planning, but my outfit is adorable. :P

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Toon April

I just wanted to draw myself in Toon Link style. It's a really easy style to draw anything in and it looks so darn cute when you're done.

New Animations Soon

Prepare yourselves for actual animations from me! New animations. Not just dug up from years ago crap. This Christmas I'm getting ToonBoom so you bet that during the break there will be plenty of art-doing by me!! I really look forward to getting into 2D animation again. I only have 3D classes right now so I miss it dearly. Also, I suppose that soon I might render out some of my 3D assignments and post them up for some variety. 3D is definitely not my strong suit, but I'm not the worst that I've seen. With lots of practice, I think I could get a job in 3D but I don't quite enjoy doing it yet.

Mystery Woman

I don't even really remember drawing this. I have a vague recollection, but she just kinda showed up in my book. I like the shading on her pants.

Monday 28 November 2011

I'm Gaga for Colour.

My favourite piece of art yet. It's not complicated. But it just looks so clean.

John Locke-topus

Don't dare tell him he can't golf, because as you can see, he totally can.
I'd like to colour this in photoshop soon. I think this could be a really fun piece.

Desert girls are hot.

These drawings sort of have a desert feel. Cleopatra, an exotic dancer, a grave robber of sorts. I like how bored Cleo looks.

A whole lotta practice.

I just thought I'd fill a page of different girls and different expressions. Just showing how I work when I'm not working on something polished.

When I'm sad I shade like a mofo.

I usually don't shade a whole heck of a lot. I was feeling pretty sad the day I drew this, and when I get sad I either colour or shade.


I was mad one day. I forget why, but it was awesome.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Hope you guys don't mind if I Flash you...

Man practice. The Flash is also one of my favourite men, so why not? I think his little ear lightnings are simply adorable. <3

Luna and the Thestral

I just think thestrals are gorgeous. I drew this a few years ago.... Yes, I'm digging out lots of old art....but anyways.....the idea of thestrals is really intriguing and I needed to draw one after seeing one in Harry Potter. (Also, Luna's hair looks pretty. :3)

Friday 25 November 2011

April's Magic Trick

Wow.... this was a few years ago. I loved this when I was working on it. I guess I still like it. :)

Thursday 24 November 2011

Lady Gaga, Batman the Animated Series Style

I don't know why but this is Lady Gaga in the style of Batman the Animated Series. Shes pretty much just Poison Ivy, Harley and Joker all in one. I really like this one a lot. :)

Oh, you like Nathan Fillion?? Me too.

Watching Castle one night, I drew Nathan Fillion. He's pretty charming and almost good looking. I'm a fan.

This drawing used to be in good taste.

This drawing originally had the little girl with a sucker in her mouth. My teacher then asked me if I could add a smoke trail to make it into a cigarette. After I added the smoke (on a different layer in case I didn't like it...) I thought it looked hilarious. In no way am I pro-smoking I just thought it looked funny.

Tattoo Design

A tattoo design that I am pretty proud of. It's done in light pencil, then outlined and shaded in ink with a dip pen and a wet brush. I needed a VERY steady hand!

I've decided to do something really awesome.

So I'm known for just drawing people that I see. It's usually very casual and quick sketchy-type things and most times it's just their face. I've now decided on doing something that will challenge me and hopefully fill my blog up with lots and lots of awesome. I'm in an animation course and my goal is to draw everyone in the course, all three years of it. I'm going to draw them from their head down to their toes, none of this "just the face" bull crap. A lot of someone's personality comes from their posture as well so maybe this way, people will be more recognizable. The people that I draw will also have the option to have a copy of these drawings to keep. (If they want it.... :P)

Wish me luck, everyone! I'm going to start this project very soon and there will be some progress posted in the next few days!

Love you guys, and thanks for the support! 

April <3

Birthday Dress

This is the dress I wore for my birthday and I had to draw it, due to the fact that I got a sassy new haircut as well. :P (It wasn't a great night... but I looked awesome!)

Me in My Comfy Bed.

One night I couldn't sleep so I brought out the old tablet and decided to draw what I wanted to do. It worked and I fell asleep with my computer still on my lap.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

My Best Friend.

My friend saw that I had drawn a bunch of little Toon Link style Aprils running about and doing various things. He thought they were adorable, so I made him his own version. Isn't he just so darn cute!?

Ye Olde Drawing I Found

I was feeling pretty inspired after buying a very fancy-schmancey notebook. I drew this a long time ago, and I still love it. <3

BAT-MAAAANNNNNN!!!! (Is a jerk!)

This drawing just.... happened. No planning. Just.... came to be. And yeah, I think it's weird too.

Saturday 12 November 2011