Saturday, 26 November 2011

Luna and the Thestral

I just think thestrals are gorgeous. I drew this a few years ago.... Yes, I'm digging out lots of old art....but anyways.....the idea of thestrals is really intriguing and I needed to draw one after seeing one in Harry Potter. (Also, Luna's hair looks pretty. :3)


  1. any way that i could buy one of these from you?

  2. Love this! Got into a web wormhole where I'm trying to write and then started thinking about Luna and then decided I wanted a tattoo tribute to her and searched images and this is one of my favorites.

  3. Hi! I just wanted you to know i got the thestral part of this drawing tattooed on my arm yesterday. thank you for the beautiful drawing!

  4. This is really beautiful! I'd love to purchase a print. Do you sell?
